Had a great time today at Boo at the Zoo. Check out the shutterfly album!
I don't know how I got to this ptuciarlar site I think it was the sueddn and completely random thought that trees quite resembled veins, or vice versa which prompted me to google trees veins but I can't recall what made me think that thought but now that I am here, I just thought I should let you know I was here. And say nice pics. Nice pics. And thoughts behind/about the pics.
I don't know how I got to this ptuciarlar site I think it was the sueddn and completely random thought that trees quite resembled veins, or vice versa which prompted me to google trees veins but I can't recall what made me think that thought but now that I am here, I just thought I should let you know I was here. And say nice pics. Nice pics. And thoughts behind/about the pics.
Posted by: Dwi | May 13, 2012 at 10:48 PM